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It is strictly forbidden to shoot live quarry on GFTC grounds. We are a target shooting club, and as such we only shoot metal knock-down targets for practice and competition.


Our members look after the site and manage the small patch of woodland and clearings where the club is located.

Metal Target at Guiseley Field Target Shooting Club


Our targets range from a diameter of 15mm to 40mm, and are placed between 10 and 55 yards (50 metres) from the firing line. They are painted in high-contrast colours to aid visibility in the wooded environment.

Many have a shootable reset and are in the shape of small animals - though we do not allow the shooting of any of the wildlife on our grounds under any circumstances.

Air Rifles

Most of our members shoot with pre-charged pneumatic (PCP) rifles which are almost recoilless, and extremely accurate. Some members also choose to shoot spring-piston rifles which do recoil and can be challenging to shoot.

Most choose .177 calibre for it's flatter trajectory and higher velocity within the 12 foot pound legal power limit - we often recommend .177 for target shooting for this reason.

Field Target (FT) and Hunter Field Target (HFT) both require a scoped rifle, though the ideal setup differs for each discipline. We enjoy welcoming new members and are happy to provide advice for anyone starting out, many of our regular shooters have years of experience and in-depth knowledge.

(Please note that we only allow air pistols and rifles which shoot lead or lead substitute pellets. We do not allow BB type, or airsoft guns).

Air Rifle Club Member Shoots at Guiseley Field Target Shooting Club
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